

Welcome to Contessa's Kitchen!

Welcome to my kitchen! Here are some of my favourite recipes from around the world for you to try. Some are ideas from recipe books which I've adapted and others are recipes I've made up mixing elements of different world cuisines to make my own kind of fusion dishes.

I'm British, I live in France and I'm married to a Finn, which makes things a bit complicated! Some of my recipes will therefore be in English and some in French. When I get time I'll translate them all. I hope you enjoy them!

Happy cooking!

dimanche 20 avril 2008

Aujourd'hui j'ai mis de la Finlande dans mon assiette!

J'ai passé toute la journée a faire la cuisine finlandaise! 100pour100finlande organise un concours destiné aux blogueurs. Puisque je visite la Finlande regulièrement et adore la cuisine finlandaise, j'ai decidé de m'y mettre! J'ai inventé 2 recettes: Filet de biche, sauce cassis et blini croustillant, et Le reve finlandais: darne de saumon sauvage dans son écume d'aquavit! J'espere qu'elles vont vous plaire!

Bon appétit tout le monde!